Our Patron, Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla
The official patron of Flamenco4U is Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla "El Pelé" (Aug. 26, 1861- Aug. 9, 1936). A Spanish Romani (Gitano), Giménez Malla was a horse and donkey seller by trade...and an honest one at that; in fact, everyone he dealt with would agree that he was as honest as they come.
Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla routinely cared for the sick and the poor throughout his life, and was known as a mediator and peacemaker between the Spanish and Romani people.
During his beatification on May 4, 1997 in Rome, St. John Paul II said the following of Giménez Malla:
"[He] knew how to sow harmony and solidarity among his people, also mediating the conflicts that sometimes tarnish relations between payos [non-gypsies] and gypsies, demonstrating that the charity of Christ knows no boundaries of races or cultures." [1]
During an historical period of great violence (i.e., the Spanish Civil War), Giménez Malla was beaten and arrested by a militiaman for defending a priest, and was soon executed by firing squad for being a champion of the Holy Rosary.
His last words were "Viva Christo Rey!"
Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla, pray for us.
To learn more about Blessed Ceferino Giménez Malla click here.