How to Play Entre Dos Aguas (Lesson #8) | The "Pinky Finger Killer"
We’ll be tackling some interesting and fun descending chromatic notes that will challenge and strengthen your fourth fretting finger (pinky). If your hand starts cramping a bit, don't worry—just shake it out and get back to it. With a few practice sessions, you’ll find these finger movements becoming much easier.
So, grab your guitar and let’s go! ¡Vámonos!
PATREON LINKS for this Lesson:
Lesson guide with TABs + standard notation
Audio backing/practice tracks
SoundSlice interactive TABs
*Note: For current Patreon Supporters: To download the lesson material for this lesson, please click the Patreon link(s) (above). Make sure that you are LOGGED INTO your Patreon account before clicking on the links.
*For non-Patron Supporters: To gain access to the TABs, standard notation, backing tracks, GP7 files, and SoundSlice interactive TABs, head on over to to become a supporter of my weekly video tutorials and my podcast! Thank you in advance for your support. Every dollar helps!